In the wake of a devastating cataclysm, humanity is pushed to the brink of extinction. Amid the chaos, two unlikely heroes rise: Rylex and Salmont—bound by friendship, destiny, and a love that defies a fractured world.
As they traverse the desolate Badlands, Rylex and Salmont face ruthless enemies and unearth buried truths. Pursued by the sinister Trimpicans, a tribe born from humanity's darkest hour, their journey takes them to ancient tribes, forgotten outposts, and the enigmatic Womb of Capulet. Alongside Marytie—a guardian cloaked in mystery—their bond is tested by dangerous secrets and the relentless weight of their shared destiny.
But as they uncover the power within themselves, Rylex and Salmont must confront not just the horrors of the outside world but the shadows within their own hearts. In a battle where love is their greatest strength and greatest vulnerability, the future of humanity rests in their hands.
The Insanmincer is a heart-pounding queer sci-fi adventure—a tale of survival, love, and the resilience of the human spirit. Perfect for fans of stories that blend action, emotional depth, and unapologetic representation, this book will take you on a journey where hope and heartbreak collide, and the line between light and darkness is razor-thin.
Author's Note:
Growing up, I found solace in the pages of sci-fi and fantasy. But as someone with dyslexia and ADHD, those worlds often felt out of reach—labyrinthine rules and intricate plots left little room for imagination. And, like many queer readers, I rarely saw myself reflected in those stories.
That’s why I wrote The Insanmincer. It’s not just a sci-fi/fantasy novel—it’s a manifesto for inclusivity. This book is for anyone who’s felt excluded by the genre’s norms, and especially for young queer adults searching for heroes who love like they do.
Join me in celebrating diversity, empowerment, and the boundless potential of imagination. In the journey of Rylex and Salmont, I hope you’ll find a story that not only entertains but also reminds you of the power of love, resilience, and representation.